School was a funny old time. The seven years at secondary were not the happiest years of my life, not by a long shot. My school was very academic, and pushy, which was ok as long as I could keep my head down. I was that child who was into things. Electronics. Astronomy. Woodwork. Punk […]
Coincidence – Leave me alone!
When we go on our family holiday we always have what the girls refer to as ‘boring parent days‘. And I am pleased to say that in Spain we managed to get not one, or two but three ‘boring parent days’. On one of these I had one of those little experiences of God that […]
Springboard presents … a truely awe inspiring testimonial
In our 10-14 year old youth group we have been listening to the testimonial of a young muslim lady. Its led to some great conversation, and some thought provoking questions. Some of the leaders missed bits and wanted to catch up – so we have made it available here on “Maxelcat speaks”. Enjoy!
The greatest cartoon still ever…
Recently I am across this picture of Homer Simpson reading his bible. At first his expression made me laugh but the more I thought about it the more I decided that this was truly an insightful depiction of me reading my bible. First Homer looks worried. Do you ever feel worried when you read some of the bible. I do. Mostly […]